Controlling a led over the Internet using Arduino and Ethernet Shield

Ethernet Shield enables us to connect Arduino to an ethernet network and build projects which send and receive information via local network and internet. The device, along with its control library, allows the design of network applications easily. There is no need to worry about the complicated signaling schemes in ethernet networks since all control and connection are made by library routines. After the connection is established, we may just read or write data through it, similarly to a conventional serial connection.

In the following, we show an example of a project of a web page that allows you to turn on or turn off a digital port of the Arduino via the local network or the internet. In a practical application, the project could be used to control a lamp, serving as a good “Hello World” application for home automation with Arduino. In this example, the idea is to focus on the design of the software required for the application so that we will consider the connection of led to the Arduino port and show one of the most expensive ways to light a led.

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Hello World with Arduino

In 2005, I came across a project called Arduino, which drew my attention since it was a project of open source hardware. At the same year, I tried to assemble one but I ended leaving the project aside due to the college activities. Today, I regret I haven’t dedicated more some time to this project in the past, given the way it grew.

For those who don’t know, Arduino is a project composed by hardware and software for the development of applications which interact with the real world using sensors and actuators. It was conceived to permit the creation of projects by people who don’t have much knowledge on hardware or electronics such as hobbyists, artists and designers.

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